Postpartum Massage
Postpartum massage increases blood circulation, reduces swelling, decreases stress, depression and anxiety and improves sleep. Extra cushioning will be added to bring support to tender areas. Therapeutic and nurturing touch is used throughout to help mom relax after pulling multiple all nighters for baby. Symptoms targeted include neck, shoulder and arm/wrist pain from breastfeeding and holding baby and pelvic imbalance. Belly massage is included to help Uterus shrink. Can book as soon as 24 hours after having baby. Feel free to bring baby. Call us if you have any questions at all!
New Clients: 60 Minutes for $130, 90 Minutes for $180
Return Clients: 60 Minutes for $125, 90 Minutes for $175
Packages available and encouraged!
Add on Dry Brushing for extra lymph drainage, a Belly Bind to encourage abdomen healing, or a Perineal Steam to clear out the Uterus for an additional $20 each.