Abdominal Therapy
(Mayan Abdominal Massage)
​Often referred to as “Mayan Abdominal Therapy” or “Mayan Uterine Massage”, Abdominal Therapy can help with various abdomen symptoms including but not limited to: digestion troubles, painful or irregular periods, fertility support, pelvic problems, chronic back and sacrum issues, postpartum recovery, cesarean recovery, scar tissue, fibroids, endometriosis, perimenopause and more.
Abdominal Therapy supports fertility by reducing stagnation in the uterus for women. It also addresses conditions like painful periods, PCOS, endometriosis, and pelvic pain. Starting 6 weeks post-vaginal birth or 12 weeks post-cesarean, Abdominal Therapy aids postpartum recovery by realigning digestive and reproductive organs, alleviating symptoms like acid reflux, painful sex, constipation, and prolapse. For c-section births, scar tissue work is incorporated.
The initial appointment is 2 hours long and includes a comprehensive review of your personal health story and then the Abdominal Therapy treatment. The treatment involves an external massage of your entire abdomen, back, hips and sacrum. Massaging these areas systematically and thoroughly optimizes the circulation of all the systems in your body referred to as the NAVEL. Nerve, Arterial and Venous blood, Energy and Lymph.​
An integral part of the treatment involves teaching you how to perform Your Abdominal Massage (YAM) as home.
This is not a one and done treatment. Most clients need 3-6 follow up appointments, so a comprehensive Care Plan is created after the first session. Follow up appointments are 75 minutes long.
Initial 2 Hour Appointment: $200, Follow Up 75 Minute Appointment: $150
3-Pack of Follow Ups: $405